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Finding Faith in the Wilderness: A Reflection on John Bevere’s “God, Where Are You?”

Life often feels like a journey through a wilderness, with moments where we’re left wondering, “God, where are You?” John Bevere’s book, God, Where Are You?, speaks directly to this profound question, offering guidance, encouragement, and wisdom for those... Read More »

Unlocking Your Business Transformation Journey – Discover What Matters!

What Matters! You may have come across my tagline, “Transforming Businesses to Make Time for What Matters,” and wondered about the profound connection between business transformation and “what matters.” As we embark on this transformative journey together, I invite... Read More »

Do you have a Strategic Implementer on your team?

I often share with people that my profile is one of a Strategic Implementer.  So, what is that? A strategic implementer is someone who is skilled at turning strategic plans and ideas into practical and actionable steps that can... Read More »

Parent Equipping Cohort: Parents of LGBTQ Kids

We’re excited to share with you that our 12-week Parent Equipping Cohort: Parents of LGBTQ Kids and Youth is back for the second time on Monday, March 20, 2023 from 6:30-8:30 pm! It will be at Traders Point Northwest... Read More »

“far more abundantly than all that we ask or think”

Wow, can you believe I have not posted in well over a year!!!! As I confessed in some of my later post, much of this has been attributed to “what’s the point”. Today, however, I simply have come to... Read More »

Chris & Michelle – Wedding Highlights

What an incredible day in many aspects. I could not be more proud as a father of this couple. This video is a wonderful testimony of Chris and Michelle’s love for Christ and one another. As one whose watched... Read More »

A moment that will never be forgotten!

Today’s photo is a picture of me wheeling my Dad down the aisle for Chris and Michelle’s wedding (son and daughter-in-law) on June 8, 2019. Some know the story of how Dad fought to be at this wedding and... Read More »

“I just don’t feel fulfilled in my career!”

Whether your 18, 65, or somewhere in between chances are you’ve asked the question or presently find yourself in the position of asking: “Am I in the right career?” For those that might find themselves having a faith back... Read More »

Is there significance in “656”?

As I woke this morning and stepped out on the patio to look at the sunrise, I began to focus on “transitions”.  Beyond the beauty of the sunrise, it represents a transition from night to day or dark to... Read More »

How am I different as a leader?

With year end being a time of reflection for many, I thought I’d share a personal reflection of myself as it relates to characteristics of leadership.  Looking back now close to 10 years ago in my corporate experience versus... Read More »
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