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A shift in culture?

Would anyone agree that we are experience a shift in our culture in America?  One that, in my personal beliefs, is moving away from a “biblical worldview”.   A country which was once founded on “biblical principles” has started turning... Read More »


Has anyone noticed a whole lot of people voicing “criticism” these days?  We seem to live in a world that enjoys “criticizing” or “judging” others.  Worse yet, we can now “criticize” more easily with social media.  Honestly, this is... Read More »

Insecure Leadership

As I was reading OS Hillman’s TGIF post this morning, Insecure Leadership « Marketplace Leaders, it reminded me of a time not so long ago. From worldly standards, I was a pretty successful person not long ago.  I had... Read More »

Remembering Your Gifts

I must admit, last night I had one of those proud father experiences.  While to some it may not be a big deal, to me, it will be one to remember. Before I share, let me give you a... Read More »

Daniel’s Gloves

I received this email from a friend Thanksgiving Day and was struck by it.  Please read and then I’ll share. “Daniel’s Gloves I sat, with two friends, in the picture window of a quaint restaurant just off the corner... Read More »

America’s Best Hope Conference – George Barna

Yesterday, I had the privilege of being a part of the America’s Best Hope conference.  While several things stood out at the conference which focused on the importance of discipleship or mentoring of Godly leaders, George Barna, The Barna... Read More »

“It’s just another day at Truth at Work!”

Ray Hilbert, CEO, Truth at Work and I have a tenancy to reflect after meetings and say, “it’s just another day at Truth at Work.”  We normally say this following meetings where we see God show up in a... Read More »

Forgotten Father

Over the past year, I have started to lunch on a monthly basis with Kylie, my 13 yr old daughter.  It’s just one of the father/daughter things we both seem to enjoy doing together and it has helped us... Read More »
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