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The False Beliefs Around Financial Security: A Christian Entrepreneur’s Perspective

According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, there are 31 million entrepreneurs in the U.S., which is about 16% of the adult workforce. However, about 55% of adults have started a business at some point in their lives, and 26%... Read More »

The Emotional Whirlwind: How To Change Your Reality By Changing Your Flow of Thought

Each morning when we wake up, our conscious mind starts an internal dialogue. Thoughts about everything that’s going right and wrong with our lives begin to flow. We worry about inflation, generating leads to build our business, and improving... Read More »

It’s Time to Declare Your 3rd Quarter Rocks

As we step into the third quarter, it’s time to declare your 3rd Quarter Rocks. Inspired by Gino Wickman’s “Traction,” this concept is all about focusing on the most crucial goals that will drive your business forward. Rocks are... Read More »

Finding Faith in the Wilderness: A Reflection on John Bevere’s “God, Where Are You?”

Life often feels like a journey through a wilderness, with moments where we’re left wondering, “God, where are You?” John Bevere’s book, God, Where Are You?, speaks directly to this profound question, offering guidance, encouragement, and wisdom for those... Read More »

Finding True Freedom in Business

Starting a business often begins with dreams of freedom and fulfillment, but the reality can quickly become overwhelming. Many entrepreneurs find themselves entangled in daily operations, losing sight of the personal growth and spiritual fulfillment they originally sought. This... Read More »

Finding Purpose and Prosperity: The Timeless Wisdom of “The Traveler’s Gift”

This week I wanted to share a summary of one of my favorite books, “The Traveler’s Gift” by Andy Andrews. In “The Traveler’s Gift,” Andy Andrews combines self-help guidance with an engaging narrative, presenting profound life lessons through the... Read More »

Inspire Website Design and Scale Squad Testimonial

Wade Danforth and Brad Murray, Co-Owners, Inspire Website Design and Scale Squad have been clients for a number of years with a more intense focus over the past year to grow their businesses.  Wade recently shared the following testimonial.... Read More »

Embracing the Pain of Endings for Greater Rewards

Recently, I reread the book “Necessary Endings” by Henry Cloud.  It has made me once again ponder where there might be “necessary endings” in my own life that I need to attend. In “Necessary Endings,” Dr. Henry Cloud presents... Read More »

The Cashflow Conundrum: A Small Business Owner’s Guide to Survival and Success

Running a small business is a dream for many, but it often comes with a harsh reality: managing cash flow. You’ve got clients to satisfy, employees to pay, and bills that never seem to stop. The pressure can be... Read More »

Unlocking Success Through Generosity: A Summary of “The Go-Giver”

I recently re-read one of my favorite books, “The Go-Giver” by Bob Burg and John David Mann. Published in 2007, this business parable shifts the traditional focus from self-centered ambition to a more holistic approach centered around generosity and... Read More »
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