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Turning Costs into Investments: Maximizing Business Growth

As business owners, we’re all investors at heart. We take nickels and turn them into quarters. Even better, we take dimes and turn them into dollars. This principle of transforming small amounts of capital into significantly larger returns is... Read More »

When’s the last time you quantified your contribution?

While we are the first to point out that not all contributions to the “success” of a business can be quantified, businesses are in business to make a profit; thus, business owners and their employees should periodically quantify their... Read More »

Feasibility Study

Company C has a facility which has been idled for 10 years. They have a couple different ideas for what the facility could be used and it has some existing equipment which needed to be assessed for application and... Read More »

Turn Around

Company B owned a plant which has not been profitable since start-up several years earlier. Numerous managerial changes had been made over the years at the facility in order to find the right leadership. An in depth analysis of... Read More »

Cost Savings

Company A wants to reduce cost by $1.0M over the next 12 months. Outside of Labor Cost which the organization has a good control on, Material Cost #1(MC1) and Material Cost #2 (MC2) are the two largest controllable costs.... Read More »
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