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It’s Time to Declare Your 3rd Quarter Rocks

As we step into the third quarter, it’s time to declare your 3rd Quarter Rocks. Inspired by Gino Wickman’s “Traction,” this concept is all about focusing on the most crucial goals that will drive your business forward. Rocks are... Read More »

Finding Faith in the Wilderness: A Reflection on John Bevere’s “God, Where Are You?”

Life often feels like a journey through a wilderness, with moments where we’re left wondering, “God, where are You?” John Bevere’s book, God, Where Are You?, speaks directly to this profound question, offering guidance, encouragement, and wisdom for those... Read More »

Finding Purpose and Prosperity: The Timeless Wisdom of “The Traveler’s Gift”

This week I wanted to share a summary of one of my favorite books, “The Traveler’s Gift” by Andy Andrews. In “The Traveler’s Gift,” Andy Andrews combines self-help guidance with an engaging narrative, presenting profound life lessons through the... Read More »

Embracing the Pain of Endings for Greater Rewards

Recently, I reread the book “Necessary Endings” by Henry Cloud.  It has made me once again ponder where there might be “necessary endings” in my own life that I need to attend. In “Necessary Endings,” Dr. Henry Cloud presents... Read More »

The Cashflow Conundrum: A Small Business Owner’s Guide to Survival and Success

Running a small business is a dream for many, but it often comes with a harsh reality: managing cash flow. You’ve got clients to satisfy, employees to pay, and bills that never seem to stop. The pressure can be... Read More »

Unlocking Success Through Generosity: A Summary of “The Go-Giver”

I recently re-read one of my favorite books, “The Go-Giver” by Bob Burg and John David Mann. Published in 2007, this business parable shifts the traditional focus from self-centered ambition to a more holistic approach centered around generosity and... Read More »

Turning Costs into Investments: Maximizing Business Growth

As business owners, we’re all investors at heart. We take nickels and turn them into quarters. Even better, we take dimes and turn them into dollars. This principle of transforming small amounts of capital into significantly larger returns is... Read More »

How ‘Redeeming Your Time’ Can Unleash Your Business’s Full Potential

  Are you a business owner who feels like there are never enough hours in the day? Do you end your days with a longer to-do list than when you started? You’re not alone. Many entrepreneurs face the challenge... Read More »

Navigating the Evolving Landscape of SBA Lending: Insights from the 2024 Getting The Deal Done Conference

Last week I shared a Recap: 12 Key Strategies for Business Growth.  This week, prior to transitioning to some additional strategies for compounding growth and accelerating profits, I wanted to share a bit of SBA news that I gleaned from... Read More »

Recap: 12 Key Strategies for Business Growth

Over the past several weeks, I’ve been covering 12 key strategies which we find to be most effective in compounding growth and accelerating profits within most businesses.  Today, with the help of ChatGPT, I wanted to provide a summary... Read More »
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