Finances Posts

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The False Beliefs Around Financial Security: A Christian Entrepreneur’s Perspective

According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, there are 31 million entrepreneurs in the U.S., which is about 16% of the adult workforce. However, about 55% of adults have started a business at some point in their lives, and 26%... Read More »

The 5 Part Profit Framework

Today, let’s get clear on the “why”…and I’ll give you a cool tool to improve your profits…sound good? You likely went into business for several reasons, and toward the top of the list is the autonomy and freedom that... Read More »

“What’s God saying?”

“What’s God saying?”  It seems like such an innocent question…doesn’t it? Are you having marriage issues?  “What’s God saying?” Are you having issues with your personal finances and going into debt?  “What’s God saying?” Are you suffering from unimaginable... Read More »

“Chris, you’re overthinking it!”

  In my recent post, “One play can (has) change the game!”, I shared about a game changer that has occurred in my life with my now being General Manager, Farm 360.  Today, I’d like to share a bit of... Read More »

Is it time to hire an assistant?

A common theme coming up recently seems to be around the area of hiring an assistant.  Whether an executive of a billion dollar organization or sole entrepreneur looking to take take the next step, the topic of having an assistant regularly... Read More »

“finding blessings in the closed door”.

As many of my readers know, over the past year or so, we’ve been intentionally pursuing leadership roles in the local church.  The reasons are many; however, most importantly, have centered around a sense that God is calling Lisa... Read More »

God often disrupts our plans….

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to attend the closing ceremony of a teen girls retreat which my wife aided in facilitating.  During the closing ceremony, all the girls (approximately 50) were given the opportunity to share what the... Read More »

The Journey – The Search for His Plan

This past week, I surpassed another milestone.  October 28th was the 7 year anniversary of “the job lose” and beginning of my 40 day journey.  This morning, I went back and read highlights of this journey and thought I’d... Read More »

“useful BUT not necessary!”

  I tell you what, sometimes I feel like I’m one of the most blessed people on earth.  In all the trials and tribulations of life, God has surrounded me with others who have a true heart for the Lord.... Read More »

Go Colts! Remember: One Play Can Change The Game!

Whether your a football fan or not, you likely saw the highlights of Josh Cribbs, Colt’s Punt Returner, fielding a punt which was initially ruled a fumble and over turned after review.  While no one knows, many speculate that... Read More »
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