“Chris, you’re overthinking it!”


TPCC Generous Giants Small

In my recent post, “One play can (has) change the game!”, I shared about a game changer that has occurred in my life with my now being General Manager, Farm 360.  Today, I’d like to share a bit of the story behind the story to include the wisdom of Godly counsel along the way.

If you know much of my story or are a regular reader, you likely are aware I’ve been on a bit of a “wilderness” journey over the past 7 years.  After leaving corporate America in 2008, I began a journey to learn what it means to truly “follow” Christ and live a life of “significance”.  This has been some of the most challenging yet rewarding time of my life.  Again, if you’ve been a reader of my blog, you’ve likely had a bit of a front row seat as I’ve been pretty transparent with my journey to date.

For a season, I thought it was clear God was calling me into a role in the local church.  The role of Executive Pastor seemed to be the best fit for which in 2015 Lisa and I interviewed for a few positions.  In a couple specific situations we were 2nd runner up and somewhat baffled as to why God wasn’t placing us in one of these positions.  Likely best captured by Hillary Scott in her song, Thy Will, we were “so confused”.  Here are the lyric of the first portion of her song for which I encourage you to listen in entirety:

“I’m so confused
I know I heard you loud and clear
So, I followed through
Somehow I ended up here
I don’t wanna think
I may never understand
That my broken heart is a part of your plan
When I try to pray
All I’ve got is hurt and these four words

Thy will be done
Thy will be done
Thy will be done”

For anyone who’s ever been on a similar journey, you know these words resonate at an undescribable level in your spirit.  As we walked the journey, “thy will be done”, was our continual prayer.

This summer we’d come to a point of where we’d given up nearly everything as we attempted to “follow Him”.  Yes, friends, the houses, the 401K, the “stuff”, etc, etc.  As we began to go into debt, it seemed that I was hearing the words “who owns the debt” as a reminder that He is in control.  Os Hillman asks the question: “Have you ever considered at what point a test becomes so difficult that you decide you can no longer trust God and you must take over to solve the problem?”  Let’s just say, I’d been at that point for some time!

In June, I had a few doors that appeared to be opening.  A couple specifics were the Farm 360 opportunity and another was a VP of Manufacturing position.  For today, I won’t get into all the specifics; however, what you do need to know is I wrestled greatly in attempt to figure out which opportunity was the best opportunity.   I sought the Lord regularly, had spreadsheets analyzing the opportunities, sought council from numerous individuals, and wrestled greatly in attempt to discern God’s will.  As things progress “at a snails pace” with both opportunities, the pressure continued to mount.  I was continually coming back to the fact that Farm 360 fit my life story better; however, couldn’t understand why the door wasn’t closing on the VP of Manufacturing position.

Then, about a month ago, in my personal advisory board, one of the members said, “Chris, you’re overthinking it!”  Telling a personal story of his own, he continued to remind me that I really hadn’t come to a point of needing to make a decision yet.  At that point, I didn’t have a formal offer from either opportunity.  With great confidence, he said “I expect God will make it clear”.  These words of wisdom stuck with me in the day’s to follow.  Time and time again, I was reminded to not overthink it and simply trust the process.  That being said, Lisa and I came to a point that we were almost certain which of the two the Lord had for us.   I was still wrestling greatly and simply wanted to see the other door close.  Then, a few weeks later, having lunch with another close personal adviser, I was pieced to the heart with his word “I think you’re overthinking it, it’s time to get on with your Father’s business.”

Yes, we knew we were to pursue the Farm 360 opportunity and close the door on the VP Manufacturing position.  As we went down the path of working to finalize a commitment to the Farm 360 team, we were still allowing the VP opportunity to run it’s course.  It looked like we were likely headed to the next round of interviews for the VP opportunity with an anticipation that by the time that meeting would actual occur, we would have pulled out of the process.  Then, it happened!  Yes, to my friend’s comments “I expect God will make it clear”, I received notice that the VP opportunity was going to “pass” on me.  Where most might have found themselves “bummed”, I was elated knowing God just made it clear.

Now having two weeks under my belt with the Farm 360 team, I am so clear I’m where I’m to be that it’s amazing.  That being said, I think those who’ve watch my journey know even more clearly.  As I shared the story with my personal advisory board this week, there were some in tears as they recognized how God orcastrated everything and there has been great purpose and meaning to the season in the wilderness.  In what seems to be a story paralleling the story of Joseph in the Bible, it appears I’ve been placed in a leadership position leading a team who will have a tremendous Kingdom impact in the years to come.  One that’s already having a tremendous impact on the lives of people in the Englewood community and I don’t know that any of us know how big God’s vision really is for this business/ministry.

I look forward to sharing more of the journey as it unfolds.  I also know there will be multiple times in the future I tend to “overthink” God’s plans.  Today’s photo has and will continue to serve as a reminder of my “letting go” and “trusting Him”.  For today, if you’re finding yourself in a similar journey, my encouragement to you would be to “press into Him, trust the process, and don’t overthink it”.  God is truly in control!

9 responses to ““Chris, you’re overthinking it!””

  1. Sue Arnold says:

    God works in mysterious ways 🙏 So very happy and proud of you and Lisa ! Continued success 😘

  2. Mike Mackenzie says:

    Chris, your Farm360 journey reminds me of one I had few years ago. Amazing how God allows us to get to a point when our eyes are opened. Glad you’ve found peace and direction.
    Mike Mackenzie

  3. Tim Ward says:

    Hey Chris now I know better what you are doing, Thanks for sharing that with us.

  4. Randy Garcia says:

    Definitely a great post Chris, God does brings blessings every time!

  5. Randy Garcia says:

    Merry Christmas Chris! Thanks for the reply, I’ve followed your blog!

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