What Matters Posts

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The False Beliefs Around Financial Security: A Christian Entrepreneur’s Perspective

According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, there are 31 million entrepreneurs in the U.S., which is about 16% of the adult workforce. However, about 55% of adults have started a business at some point in their lives, and 26%... Read More »

Finding True Freedom in Business

Starting a business often begins with dreams of freedom and fulfillment, but the reality can quickly become overwhelming. Many entrepreneurs find themselves entangled in daily operations, losing sight of the personal growth and spiritual fulfillment they originally sought. This... Read More »

Unlocking Your Path to Success: Overcoming Barriers and Achieving What Truly Matters

I trust this message finds you well and thriving. Recently, my focus has been on delving into the essence of “what matters” – a pursuit designed to guide you in contemplating the profound questions of “why” and “what’s your... Read More »

From “Meaningless” to Meaningful: Your Business Transformation

In my last communication, I focused in on the importance of developing a personal mission statement that ties to “what matters”.  I also offered a couple resources to assist in developing your mission statement.  If you missed this, I... Read More »

“The two most important days of your life are the day you were born, and the day you figured out why.” –Mark Twain

In our recent blog post, we delved into the critical aspect of determining “what matters” on your business transformation journey. Today, I’m excited to offer you valuable tools to aid in this discovery and present a call to action... Read More »

Unlocking Your Business Transformation Journey – Discover What Matters!

What Matters! You may have come across my tagline, “Transforming Businesses to Make Time for What Matters,” and wondered about the profound connection between business transformation and “what matters.” As we embark on this transformative journey together, I invite... Read More »
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