“The two most important days of your life are the day you were born, and the day you figured out why.” –Mark Twain

In our recent blog post, we delved into the critical aspect of determining “what matters” on your business transformation journey. Today, I’m excited to offer you valuable tools to aid in this discovery and present a call to action that could transform your business and personal life.

Let’s first explore the profound connection between “what matters” and the overarching concept of “purpose.” Currently, at Traders Point Christian Church, we’re engaged in a series called “RE-IMAGED.” A survey conducted last Easter revealed a common inquiry among our community – “how do I discover God’s purpose for my life.” As Aaron Brockett eloquently puts it:

“The two most important days of your life are the day you were born, and the day you figured out why.” –Mark Twain

Whether you resonate with a spiritual belief or not, there’s an innate longing within us all to understand our purpose and link it to our daily pursuits, especially in our work.

Renowned entrepreneur, author, and speaker, Peter Diamandis, introduces the concept of “Massive Transformative Purpose (MTP).” Diamandis emphasizes the power of a purpose statement that guides, empowers, and inspires, acting as both fuel and filter for decision-making.

Here’s Diamandis’ MTP: “To Inspire and Guide entrepreneurs to create a Hopeful, Compelling, and Abundant future for humanity.”

As an offer to you, I encourage you to explore Diamandis’ MTP directly on his website. It’s a valuable tool that can significantly contribute to the development of your life purpose statement.

Another impactful tool I’ve utilized is from the Situational Self Leadership program by The Ken Blanchard Companies. One key question asked in this process is:

“My perfect world is a place where people know their destinations and are enjoying their life journeys. My Perfect World …”

As a call to action, take a moment to reflect on your perfect world and define your purpose. If you find it challenging, I’m here to assist.

Sharing a bit of my journey, my original purpose statement over a decade ago was: “My life purpose is to use my listening and problem-solving skills to love and lead others in the intentional discovery and fulfillment of their God-given purpose.”

To those who have read this far, I appreciate your engagement with these profound concepts. If you desire transformation in your business and personal life, I urge you to invest the upfront work in deciding “what matters” and the “purpose” that fuels and filters change.

I’m here to help! Don’t hesitate to reach out to schedule a time for personalized assistance.

Wishing you an extraordinary week aligned with “what matters.”

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