Is there significance in “656”?
As I woke this morning and stepped out on the patio to look at the sunrise, I began to focus on “transitions”. Beyond the beauty of the sunrise, it represents a transition from night to day or dark to light. Most are caught captive as I was this morning with such a site and the joy it tends to bring.
So, why, after nearly four months did such a site cause me to blog today? Yes, friends, I haven’t written a blog since December. Additionally, I’ve been “stuck” when it comes to finishing and publishing my book, “Whose agenda are you leading?” Why? Well, it really comes down to my wrestling a bit with my writing being a bit too “me” focused and asking the question “what’s the point”. Now, don’t hear this as a “Debbie downer” type of “why” or “what’s the point” as its been a healthy period of time. It’s simply been a time as I’ve watched all the “stuff” come across social media and my Inbox that I’ve asked “is my writing truly making a difference”.
For the past few years, I’ve started to write only when I felt God’s prompting to do so. I’ve also attempted to keep a mindset that if what I wrote impacted only one person’s life that would be enough. For months, and even years, I’d get some type of feedback from someone that they truly appreciated my writing. Then, those circumstances seemed to have faded and I began to ask, “why” and “what’s the point”.
As I focused on “transitions” this morning, I began to focus on the number of significant transitions Lisa and I have had in the past couple months. One of which is our transition to a new home after 2 1/2 years of renting. Yes, today’s photo was taken from our new home. As many will recall, 2 1/2 years ago we sold nearly everything with great joy and anticipation of a “magnificent performance yet to come!” While I won’t relive all the circumstances, I will share that Lisa and I were open to going wherever the Lord may lead us and, to the best of our ability, continued to stay open for 2 1/2 years. Somewhere along the line, we began to think “maybe He’s not asking us to move somewhere else, maybe, it’s about having the heart to follow for which He knows we have.” Thus, we remained open to putting down roots again on the northwest side of Indy for which He seems to have blessed. Allow me to elaborate a bit further on why I say “He seems to have blessed”.
You see, we’ve begun to live pretty simple lives and thus wanted a simple home. In 2015 we sold our home of over 4000 SQFT as well as much of the “stuff” in it, transitioned to an apartment of 1616 SQFT, and became pretty comfortable not having a lot of “stuff”. That being said, when looking for a new home, we did have a few things we were seeking. We’d hoped to find a newer, existing home for less than $200K. It needed to be a 3 bedroom with an open concept. For me, I’ve written about how the past 20+ years I’ve always had water in our backyard for which my heart still desired. And, most importantly, we wanted the Lords confirmation that it was “the one”.
Then, one day, a house came on the market for which we thought, “this may be the one”. Yes, it was 1447 SQFT, 3 bedroom, 2 years old, open concept, had a screened in porch with a pond in the backyard, and was in one of the neighborhood’s we’d been looking. Yes, it checked all the boxes of what seemed to be the “perfect home” for the next season. More importantly, we felt God’s affirmation of it being the one.
While I’ve don’t believe I’ve written on it in the past, God uses the number “56” and, in some cases, “656” to encourage Lisa and I. Thus, in my prayers, I was praying and anticipating God to affirm our new home with “56”. Well, as we looked at the address, is was “5764″ for which we thought, “hum”. We continued to move forward with the offer, it was accepted, and I’ll fast forward to closing. A couple days prior to closing, our realtor and mortgage agent called with a last minute revision to cash needed at closing,$6,955.61. Seeing “656” in the numbers, I smiled with gratitude; however, said to the Lord, “I really was expecting ‘656’ specifically on this one”. Obviously, we closed with joy in our hearts and proceeded with a smooth transition to our new home. Then, last week, I received our first mortgage statement. Imagine my reaction when I saw this:In the event the picture is a bit difficult to read, Total Payment states “656.35″!!!! Praise God!
For some, what you just read is way too far out there. For me, I recognize this as yet another example of the true relationship our Heavenly Father desires to have with each and every one of us which I, too, tend to forget and, even, question at times. No, it doesn’t look like this everyday nor on every life decision; however, if we learn to “listen” it tends to happen much more than we likely recognize.
Then, let’s take this a step further in attempting to grasp the “magnificent performance” that just happened. Assuming you believe it, 27 years ago God led me to my first job in Owensboro, KY working on the “656 Paintline” and crossing a specific point on the road at “6:56 am” every morning. Later in life, He’d begin using this number in a verity of different ways to encourage me. Then, 27 years later, He ordered the house number, cash at closing, and monthly payment such that “56” and “656” are clearly seen. Folks, you can’t make this stuff up and that should blow your mind!!!!
So let me just leave it at this. If a God can do everything I just described, which I believe He can and did, then how about you believe He can do the same for you? What circumstances are you needing to depend more upon the Lord for in your life? Perhaps, now is the time to truly “surrender” your heart trusting that He desires a personal, intimate relationship with you and has worked things out for you as well years in advance!
May He be glorified by my sharing of this personal testimony. Want to talk? I’m here to help. God bless!
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