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I have a confession!

I have a confession!  I have a challenge which I anticipate many of you have the same.  However, before sharing this challenge, I wanted to share a brief story. Recently, I’ve backed down to part-time/fractional in my role as... Read More »

Is Lencioni’s The Five Dysfunctions of a Team outdated?

I’ve been in a couple recent conversations where the question has been asked, “Is Lencioni’s The Five Dysfunctions of a Team outdated?” Lencioni’s The Five Dysfunctions of a Team was first published in 2002 and has since become a... Read More »

How do I increase accountability within my team?

Are you having challenges within your team with accountability? Increasing accountability within a team requires a combination of clear communication, establishing expectations, and providing feedback. Here are some steps you can take: Set clear expectations: Make sure everyone on... Read More »

What’s the difference between a business advisor, coach, and consultant?

If you’re confused a bit on the difference between a business advisor, coach, and consultant, you’re not alone!   It’s not always straightforward as we tend to overlap services; however, here are a few ways I tend to differentiate. Business... Read More »

Do you need a fractional CEO?

Fractional CEOs can be a cost-effective option for companies that need executive-level leadership but cannot afford to hire a full-time CEO. A fractional CEO is a professional who offers executive-level leadership services to companies on a part-time or temporary... Read More »

Do you have a Strategic Implementer on your team?

I often share with people that my profile is one of a Strategic Implementer.  So, what is that? A strategic implementer is someone who is skilled at turning strategic plans and ideas into practical and actionable steps that can... Read More »

Situational Leadership: Understanding Ken Blanchard’s Model

Effective leadership is essential to the success of any organization. One approach to leadership is situational leadership, a model developed by Ken Blanchard and Paul Hersey. This approach involves adapting one’s leadership style based on the situation and the... Read More »

The Art of Getting Things Done

Over the last few weeks, I’ve had a few questions around a process I use from the book, Getting Things Done – The Art of Stress Free Productivity by David Allen. Today, my intent is not to go into... Read More »

If at first you don’t succeed, you’re in good company.

In the summer of 2017, I, as a leader, had to communicate to my team one of the toughest things a leaders must do. Having stepped into the organization nearly 9 months prior in attempt to turnaround the business... Read More »

We place far too much importance in this world on “titles”!

I’m really not sure why I’m writing this blog today; however, feel convicted to do so. If you happen to be the one needing this, please let me know. Candidly, there isn’t much to offer beyond what the subject... Read More »
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