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“Nearly 80% of what we enjoy is based on our genetic code.”

  When talking with people about their “perfect career” or “life path”, one of the key elements we discuss is the need to understand one’s Genetic Code.  I offer the following from our Life Path/Career Path Assessment summary. “There... Read More »

Are you a “giver” or a “taker”?

One of the topics we spend a bit of time on in my coaching process is helping people to understand whether or not they are characterized by being a “giver” or “taker”.  Likely as you read these words, many... Read More »

“I’m not sure we knew what we were signing up for”

24 years ago today, June 13th, 1992, Lisa and I rode off into the sunset following our professing our vows to one another.  Looking back on this day, like many of you I anticipate, I’m not sure we knew... Read More »

The Story of Bridle and Wild Horse

Over the past couple weeks, I’ve been recalling a story that I ran across a few months ago related to two horses.  One which was “bridled” and another which was living the “wild” life.  Unfortunately, I haven’t been able... Read More »

Would you like to make a difference for a child this summer!

If you live in Indianapolis, IN, there is a good chance you’re familiar with Shepard Community Center.  Located in the heart of downtown Indianapolis, they have several great initiatives ongoing to aid to “break the cycle of poverty”.  One... Read More »

What should I “Start, Stop, Continue” doing?

Whether you’re steering a corporate empire, managing a small business, or nurturing personal relationships, the transformative tool of “Start, Stop, Continue” holds the key to unlocking untapped potential. Yet, many shy away from these fundamental questions: “What should I... Read More »

Why is Man’s Faith in God Dwindling?

Please read and comment on this guest post from Chris Arnold, Jr: Why is Man’s Faith in God Dwindling? I believe man’s biggest flaw is our insistency in being “right.” Because of our obsession with being right, we over... Read More »

“I’ve been working in manufacturing since ‘kindergarten'”

Yesterday, we had a wonderful Arnold family gathering.  Between my nephew’s graduation, sister’s anniversaries, Mother’s Day, and my 47th birthday, we had plenty to celebrate.  One of the fun things about getting together as an entire family is sharing... Read More »

“Everything that I cared about was being taken away from me.” 

Many of you have followed the journey of our son.  In particular, this past year his being hospitalized nine times.  What most haven’t heard is the story behind the scenes that has been going on within his heart.  ... Read More »

The Anatomy of Trust

Spend anytime reflecting upon characteristics of healthy cultures and healthy relationships, inevitably the characteristic of “trust” comes to mind.  Most leaders understand that “trust” is absolutely critical for relationships to work.  In fact, taking it a step forward, here is a... Read More »
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