What’s God’s Agenda?


“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Matthew 6:33

One of the challenges we sometimes have when given the opportunity to speak is we have an opinion on nearly everything. As we sit around the table in our Truth@Work roundtables, we continually have to remind our members that it’s not about what we want, it’s about what God wants. At times, we will intentionally stop the conversation and seek discernment through His Word and Spirit. I can site multiple examples of where counsel was reversed after truly seeking His desires for direction.

Henry and Richard Blackaby in their book, Spiritual Leadership, state: “Spiritual leaders are people who seek to lead God’s way, regardless of where they serve him. ….Spiritual leadership involves more than merely achieving objectives. People can accomplish all their goals and still miss God’s will….While leaders do have motives, spiritual leaders are directed by the Holy Spirit, not by their own agendas.”

Thus, as leaders, we must always be seeking God’s agenda. At times, this may be counter intuitive to what the world would offer. Chances are, in those situations where it is counter intuitive, you can about bank on it being God’s will.

How do we practically seek His will? Like any relationship, it has to start somewhere and doesn’t develop into a relationship overnight. Relationships take quality time to develop for which we encourage you to carve out time at the beginning of your day. Once you begin your day by “seeking first His kingdom” and “His plans” for you, God promises to reveal them if we’re listening.

So, what do you think? Would you like to know God’s agenda? Then, start by asking Him now.

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