Vulnerability – Is it a good thing?


Recently, in one of our Truth@Work meetings, we were discussing vulnerability. While most agree that vulnerability in relationships is a good thing, most also say that there are limits to when and where we should be vulnerable. My challenge to the group and to you today is “what are these limits?”

Within the context of relationships and teams, I am a huge supporter of authenticity and vulnerability. While it doesn’t make the best marketing strategy as most resist vulnerability, the number one thing people share with me as feedback is, “you really help me open up and have some of those conversations I should have had long ago.”

Leadership coach and author, Patrick Lencoini, talks about trust being foundational to any team (I would add relationship). Patrick notes that the only way of building such trust is through “vulnerability”. We have to be able to openly share with others are mistakes, fears, uncertainties, and the likes. By doing so, we exhibit humility which in it’s purest sense is the ultimate level of trust.

Brene Brown in her Ted Talk “The Power of Vulnerability” which is embedded in today’ post talks about the phycology of vulnerability and her quest to discover it at the core of humility. This video is approximately 20 minutes and I’d highly encourage you to take time to review it. It will give you a much better sense of what true vulnerability is and answer today’s question as to what are limits we should place on our vulnerability and why. Brown will help explain how unpredictable vulnerability is which is why it is the ultimate level of trust. As you open yourself up, you can’t predict the response and that means you really have to trust that you’re not going get hurt in the process.

Upon review of today blog and video, I’d be interested in your thoughts as to “what limits to place on vulnerability”. Let me simply state that in my personal experience and coaching, these limits are well beyond what might initially be perceived. Want help in growing in vulnerability and elevating relationships? I’d love to hear more.

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