Be careful, your words may have eternal significance!

A couple weeks ago @AaronBrockett @TradersPointCC taught one of the best sermons I’ve heard on the power of the tongue. With key passages from Proverbs, James 3, Matthew 12 as well as a few others, Aaron focused on man attempts to “tame the tongue” or place a filter on our words being futile. As James 3:8 says “no man can tame the tongue” and the only way the tongue is tamed is through a true heart change with Jesus at the center. In order to help identify the need for self reflection and continual heart change, Aaron discussed seven key areas of our speech: complaining, bragging, criticizing, gossip, cursing, lying, and anger. I encourage you to listen to this sermon and see if you’re convicted in any or all these areas.

That all being said, the part of the sermon that really stood out to me and was reaffirmed through other circumstances the week following was Matthew 12:36-37:

“But I tell you that men will have to give account on the day of judgement for every careless word they have spoken. For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.”

Yes, our words have eternal significants and Jesus placed a strong emphasis on being mindful of our speech. Likely one of the reasons this portion of the teaching stood out is that it’s right on the heals of a recent blog post, “Warning!!! There will be storming!” You see, in this post as well as many others, you’ll notice that I place an extremely high value on authenticity, candor, and transparency in relationships. One where “if you think it more than twice, you speak it”. As I stated in the post, this tends to get “stormy” at times; however, the end result is normally worth it. So, this process of storming is normally controlled and focussed on overall building up the relationship or team. So, is it a biblical approach?

Additionally, I facilitate advisory boards for business owners, executives, and key leaders. One of the things we discuss in Truth@Work are the keys behind giving and receiving Godly counsel. Further reflecting on our words, I’ve spent considerable time reflecting on the need to remind our groups that our words may have eternal significants; thus, we should be careful with our advice. As a matter of fact, God brought to mind two very specific examples of discussions around the table that contrasted the difference between worldly and Godly counsel. One particular thought I dwelled was “what if that person accepts what appears to be worldly advice and gets completely derailed from God agenda for their life?” Not only will that person be off track, however, the person speaking these “careless words” will have to “give an account on the day of judgement.” So, in an environment we say is a “life and businesses changing experience”, today’s emphasis is on the need to be mindful of the potential eternal significance our words may have on that “life and business”.

Given all of this, how do you know when and when not to speak? Well, going back to Aaron’s message, he offers the following considerations prior to speaking:

Is it true?
Is it helpful?
Is it kind?

Aaron emphasizing that he doesn’t want us to fear conflict on tough issues; however, if these questions aren’t satisfied, we may need to reconsider our words.

Additionally, I would add to this “pray continually” about your words. More so today, I find myself asking God over and over, “are you wanting me to speak this?” I find that he makes it clear the majority of the time. A word of caution on this one, however. If you’re going to ask Him for guidance (which you should), be prepared to obey what He says. Your disobedience to speak words will also have “eternal significance”.

I hope today’s post has caused you to stop and ponder like it has myself. If you have any thoughts, we’d love to hearing them in the comments below.

Have a fantastic day! God bless!

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