Thanks for your consideration in helping!
In the event you didn’t see our last update. In September, Kandice Richey, my sister, and I have an exciting opportunity to share Christ’s love with the people in Nairobi, Kenya on a mission’s trip sponsored by my church, Traders Point Christian Church (TPCC). We will be traveling with a team from TPCC to participate in this trip September 6-19, 2013.
If you’d like to see more of the details regarding our trip, please go to our blog post to learn more which is linked: Would you consider helping?
One of the ways you can help us get ready for this amazing trip is to pray for Kandice, myself, my team members, and the overall trip. We cannot do this trip without your prayer support.
Another way you can help me is to support Kandice and I is financially. The cost of this trip is $2,700 per person which each team member is responsible to raise on their own. To date, we have 35% of the funds raised and we’re very grateful to those who have contributed. Please prayerfully consider supporting us financially for this trip. God always provides and is faithful to His servants.
All funds going toward TPCC mission trip costs are considered tax-deductible contributions to the extent allowed by law. They are accepted with the understanding that TPCC has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. These donated funds are non-refundable. All contributions towards our mission trip costs may be submitted though TPCC’s online giving. Please visit our website, and look for the online giving link near the bottom of the home page. Once logged in, you will see a selection for Mission Trips. Follow the process selecting Kenya-Sept 6-19 and Chris Arnold. Then follow the instructions to complete the rest of the process.
Some prefer to not do online giving. You can still make a contribution in a few different ways. One would be simply to send Kandice or I your check directly. My address is: 9541 Greenthread Dr., Zionsville, IN 46077. In order to insure your contribution is tax-deductible, please make the check out to Traders Point Christian Church. Additionally, you can mail the check directly to the church via the information on the website. Simply insure you note that these funds are to be used for Short Term Mission-Kenya, Chris Arnold or Kandice Richey, and September 2013. For your benefit, Kandice and I are combining funds, so it doesn’t matter which account your contributions are directed.
Thanks again for your consideration and support!
Have a fantastic day!
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