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“It’s all about relationships!”

This past week in one of my advisory boards, we discussed a common theme that has been coming up for me in multiple venues:  relationships.  Yes, whether talking about leadership, growing your business, growing a ministry, discipleship, or a... Read More »

Honestly, I think you should…”

Have you ever wrestled a bit with people who say things like, “Honestly, I think you should…”?  Or, “Honestly, I didn’t understand…”  What about times you’ve heard something similarly stated, “I promise I’ll get….”  Or, “I promise I didn’t….”... Read More »

“What are you passionate about?”

“What are you passionate about?” This likely is a question you’ve been asked multiple times in the past and spent quality time reflecting. In fact, in my opinion, it can be a bit misleading if we’re not careful. Case... Read More »

“How often are significant changes made…?”

In working with leaders and their teams, a question I frequently get is: “How often are significant changes made within the structure of the team?”   Now, while not always, what they really are asking is: “How often does... Read More »

They’re different and that’s OK!

This morning, I had the pleasure to once again hear Dr. Tim Elmore speak on leading Millennials.  Today’s focus was specifically about leading, given a generational gap in the workplace.  The context of what Dr. Elmore presents applies to... Read More »

Virtual Coaching

A question that arises frequently in the arena of coaching is whether one can benefit from virtual coaching.  Several years ago, I had my first one-on-one experience coaching via Skype internationally.  I was surprised how well it worked and... Read More »

“Never had a better day!”

   Spend anytime around my mother-in-law and you’ll likely hear her say, “never had a better day!”  Yes, for years, any time someone ask, “how’s your day?”, Mary Lou (aka Buddy) normally responds with “never had a better day!”. ... Read More »

Are you setting off fireworks?

   This 4th of July weekend, I was reflecting on leaders who set fireworks off in their teams.  While I’m all for some great fireworks, I tend to see more “duds” when it comes to leaders and their teams.... Read More »

Do you talk about “faith” in your environment?

I was having coffee with a new friend today.  We both commented that getting out and getting to hear people’s stories on a regular basis is so encouraging.  Candidly, while we both were there to share about our businesses... Read More »

“it’s worth the drive!”

I must say there are some conversations I must hold back a bit when it comes to discussing the location of my advisory board meetings.  Within Indianapolis, I personally have groups meeting on both the northeast and northwest side. ... Read More »
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